Monday, April 19, 2010

Project Concept and progression

I anticipate my comic to be a representation of an idealized world currently envisioned in my mind.

This world is less inhabited than the current one in which we live. Perspectives will be from the creatures point of view and humans are viewed as strange animals whose purposes and reasons of life seem irrelevant and just plain pointless. In this world the life of one feeds of the life of another. (for example, the purpose of trees are to promote prosperity and to demonstrate love. If a tree fails, weeds resembling venus fly-traps will grow under it and choke out its roots and eat the seeds the tree drops, so the tree cannot reproduce). Additionally, the main characters will be creatures resembling animals crossed with other animals.

Project Progression and Hurdles:


· Currently working on character and environment development:

o This includes finalizing appearances and fitting characters into their appropriate roles. Also constructing the world in which the comic story will take place. Here I’m playing around with styles to find which I like most.

· Along side of this is creating the story:

o Here most of the ideas floating around my are being condensed and put together, in hopes of creating a smooth progressive and interesting story.

· Planning page layout and story progression:

o The use of an outline and thumbnails will enable me to begin laying out all the ideas and help determine the pace and progression of the story. Other things such as angles or mood will begin to be inflected at this point.

· Dialogue:

o Along side the outline and thumbnails dialogue will be chosen and laid out accordingly.

· Template:

o The next move would be to assess the size of my project both in length and page size. Since I plan to complete my work digitally, I will make a template that can be reused for consistency through out my comic book.

· Drafting:

o At this point, thumbnails will be translated into drafts and all drawings will be collected and placed in the template appropriately.

· Finalizing:

o All drafts will be finalized, including inking, cleaning up, and colouring. All work will be prepared for printing.

· Production:

o All work will be printed, copied, and bound into individual books.


· Digital issues

o Understanding the scanner

o Developing a template

o Printing, ensuring the pages are laid out correctly for publication

· Creative issues

o Make the image on the paper match the ones in my head

o Writers block

o Confidence to produce a strong piece

· Personal issues

o Springtime distraction

o Procrastination

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